Unexpected Essentials for My First Day in Our New Home
As some of you know, I was unexpectedly thrown back into suburban life (only for half the week - more on that later). Instead, let's shift and imagine my new space: a suburban sanctuary, where luxury takes a different form from our SF lifestyle. Picture a beautiful luxury condo nestled in the heart of tree-lined streets and quiet tranquility. The architecture combines classic elegance with modern convenience, offering a haven of comfort for us that, although small, rivals the most exclusive (and older) downtown residences in our area.
On the last day of 2023, we picked up keys to our new home. It all went so quick - one week from seeing it to keys in hand. Two days later, we’d be on our first trip of 2024! RR and V went to explore the local game shop which gave me the chance to take a deep breath and relish in the new space.
I only brought with me a handful of things for our first day. One was a small bag holding items that spoke of tradition and superstition - rice, salt, and a few coins. Another was a small canvas tote full of essentials - two rolls of toilet paper, paper towels, bottled water, and Clorox disinfecting wipes.
But the two items that helped me truly welcome me home, was my new wishing book: a sapphire Moleskine with beautiful gold charms and one of my favorite candles by PF Candle Co. I lit the candle and the place immediately felt like home. This is the same candle scent that I burned when we first moved into our SF home - and through our years living there. Its masculine and feminine smell fits our aesthetic so well.
I then went room by room slowly inspecting each one. Thinking of all the new things I’d place in each room. Finally, I landed in the middle of the living room and opened up my manifesting journal and scratched out: “Get the home for us." I had scratched out quite a few things even though i was only 3 pages in and I felt so much gratitude in that instant.
2023 was an incredibly difficult year for me… us; and even though circumstances have placed hardships in front of us - I was confident that we were on our way in turning any hardship into a positive.
Welcome Home and Welcome 2024.
I make a small commission from links to products on this page - I use it to buy more candles.